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Jonas Brothers Reality Show!! Journeying With The Jonas’??

Are you jonesin for some Jonas Bros action??
Well, tweak no more because the serenading siblings have signed a development deal with E! and are currently filming a family-based realty show in NYC.
The show will follow Kevin and his wife Danielle in their marital bliss, Nick as he takes on How To Succeed In Business Without Even Trying, and Joe doing…something. Oh, yeah! The solo career! Right, right!
Oh man! The Kardashians have some kompetition!
Maybe the two shows will eventually combine creating the ultimate reality romp.
Just add a dash of Jersey Shore for good measure and you have yourself a killer reality souffle. Consume with caution!!
Will U watch the Jobro reality show?
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 20, 2012 13:20pm PDT