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NFL Star Julian Edelman May Have Stopped A School Shooting! Read His Scary Story!

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Mass shootings have become far too regular an occurrence in recent months, so much so it was getting easy to become inured to the news.
But all that changed with Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, as the students who survived the attack have refused to stay silent about the serious gun safety problems in our country.
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That ongoing presence in the minds of Americans may have helped stop another school shooting — thanks to a Patriot.
It all started when New England Patriots star Julian Edelman got a disturbing direct message on Instagram, saying:

“Dude, there is a kid in your comment section says he s going to shoot up a school, I think you should alert the authority [sic]”

Eesh! What would you do if you got such a message??
The wide receiver tells The New York Times he immediately thought of the Parkland shooting:

“With the emotions of what happened, and I have a kid now, I said, holy Toledo, what is going on?”

Rather than brush it off, the NFL star took action — and had his assistant, Shannen Moen, comb through the hundreds of comments on his IG and found it:

“I’m going to shoot my school up watch the news”

Moen called 911 and showed police the message. Boston detectives were able to make an emergency records request and get the user’s email and IP address. It was coming from Port Huron, Michigan.
The Port Huron Police Department investigated and found a 14-year-old boy who admitted having made the comment. He had access to two rifles belonging to his mother.
The boy was brought to a juvenile detention center and charged with making a false report of a threat of terrorism, a felony that can get you up to four years in prison.
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Police updated Moen, who in turn told Edelman — who had no idea this would end up being so serious. Moen recalls:

“When I told Julian, he was in shock. We’re very lucky the Boston cops were all over it, very lucky the Michigan cops were all over it.”

For real! Way to go, police!
But Edelman still wants to thank the unsung hero, the user who saw the comment and messaged him. So far, jesseyi3, whoever he is, has not responded. But Edelman says:

“Thankfully, this kid said something. We’re going to send him something, a care package, just for his work. He’s the real hero.”

This is how it’s supposed to work. People see a threat, tell a football player, his assistant tells the police, and it’s all resolved with no one getting hurt.
We’re just glad we’re reporting this crazy story and not another shooting.
[Image via Judy Eddy/WENN.]

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Apr 05, 2018 15:22pm PDT

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