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JWoww Is Going The Extra Distance To Support GLAAD!

jwoww gay pride march spirit day ambassador
We love all the love going around!
And there’s an extra dosage today as it’s being announced JWoww is making some moves to help support GLAAD!
After all the major events this week that are bringing much-deserved equality, we’re always happy to hear others are all for it. And now, JWoww is stepping to the plate because she’s joining LGBT advocates Shane Bitney Crone, Fallon Fox, and Jacob Rudolph at the NYC Pride March this Sunday.
Girlfriend has always been a big LGBT supporter, and we’re glad to hear her actions match her words.
Not only that but JWoww has been named the first Spirit Day Ambassador of 2013!
Spirit Day is GLAAD’s annual anti-bullying campaign and will be going down on October 17th this year. And with JWoww on board, we bet it’s going to be bigger and better than ever!
[Image via Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.]

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Jun 29, 2013 13:38pm PDT

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