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Kanye West Confesses Carseat Anxiety To Kris & Explains Paparazzi's 'Emotional Bullying'!

Kanye West Confesses Carseat Anxiety To Kris & Explains Paparazzi's 'Emotional Bullying'!

kanye west kris jenner carseats paparazzi annoyed north west tv interview

Would you believe The Louis Vuitton Don’s biggest fear is strapping the totally adorable North West into her carseat!?

Neither would we! At least not until he sat down for a televised chat with mother-in-law Kris Jenner!

Kanye West is a super savvy veteran in the music industry, but he has considerably less experience as a father and is TERRIFIED of messing up!

In today’s Kris Jenner Show interview, Kanye freely admitted it, too.

He said:

“I”m embarrassed in front of my girl when I can’t work the carseat.”

Aww!! There’s a learning curve for first time parents! We all know that!

Besides, North is waaaaay too young to critique your carseat skillz, LOLz!! Kim, on the other hand, well.. she loves you for you!!

Kanye blames a constant stream of cameramen in his face for adding unnecessary pressure! He continued:

“…Lets add on top of that 20 grown men screaming at me while I’m in front of my child, my girl… and them taking photos… and putting them them on 20 media outlets… and then 20 million americans are screaming at me talking about ‘You don’t know! You’re supposed to be a genius; you don’t know how to work the car seat!’ and then I just wake up in a cold sweat and i run outside and i’m working on trying to figure out how to work a carseat at 3 in the morning… you have enough things to do and learn as a new parent, and you add that layer on top of it, it becomes really intense.”

Wow! Now we know why he won’t smile for the pap!!!

He added:

“It’s hard to smile when you know people, for one thing, they’re around you only to make money off of you… You feel like, wait a second, these aren’t your friends… The thing that makes me happier than anything is to not see them.”

He also accused them of emotionally bullying and stressed that “no amount of money [one] can have” would ever make the paparazzi nuisance completely tolerable because of their constant presence and “patronizing” fake-politeness!

Hmmm, we can understand Kanye’s point!

And he’s hoping others will, too — he plans to take his complaints all the way to the top!

He revealed:

“I├óΓé¼Γäóm gonna talk to the mayor of L.A. I├óΓé¼Γäóm gonna talk to the Mayor of New York about zoning. I should be able to drive my daughter to school without twenty people putting other people in danger.”

Oooh! While you’ve got their ears, could you say something about all those horrible potholes plaguing our streets, too?!

Thanks, Citizen ‘Ye! UR the best!!!

[Image via FOX.]

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Aug 23, 2013 15:38pm PDT