She will truly be missed.
As we reported on Tuesday, Kate Spade was found in her New York apartment by a housekeeper at 10:30 a.m. EST, after she reportedly hung herself. The 55-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene.
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After fans heard about her passing, they took to Twitter to share stories of receiving their first handbag designed by the fashion legend.
See all the reactions (below):
#KateSpade I’m so upset First designer bag I ever spent money on was a Kate Spade bag
— Helen4kidz (@Helen4kidz) June 5, 2018
My first #KateSpade bag. I bought it after finishing my bachelors at 32 and getting my first graphic design job.
— SarahMcPants (@sarahmcpants) June 6, 2018
After all these years I’ve never been able to get rid of my 1st #KateSpade bag. Such a classic #RIP
— fedfan (@fedfan76) June 5, 2018
OMG #KateSpade you never know what people are carrying with them inside. My 1st bag was a hot pink carry all that I knew I would have to wait to use until I got out of the military but got it anyway.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
— Cheryl Law (@Cheryllaw) June 6, 2018
My first Kate Spade bag gifted by my sister accompanied me on all consults and still has the marks of all the puppies who teethed on it. Will treasure it forever for so many beautiful reasons.
R.I.P beautiful woman, you brought much sparkle to so many lives. #RIP #katespade
— Shirin Merchant (@shirindogtales) June 6, 2018
My first “big girl” bag was a a small red cross over Kate Spade ├ó┬¥┬ñ├»┬╕┬Å├ó┬¥┬ñ├»┬╕┬Å I love that thing with all my heart and probably always will. It was my own personal sparkle. Rest In Peace #KateSpade
— Sarah Wilhoite (@SarahSarsar16) June 6, 2018
My first Kate Spade bag is up in my closet it’s a beautiful blue color I love it #Katespade
— CB Blog&Photography (@Clovesbuttons) June 5, 2018
My first #KateSpade was a Stevie. I have her gnome and owl evening bags too. I loved her design aesthetic. RIP
— Diana Lobel (@Imabigcheese) June 6, 2018
My first Kate Spade bag, purchased in 2001. Still love it. Success and money don’t make you happy; only inner peace can do that. RIP. #KateSpade #katespadeRIP
— Cristine Almeida (@xtinealmeida) June 6, 2018
Love letter to Kate: me on my first trip to New York, proudly carrying my first bag, having dreamt of the day ├░┼╕ΓÇÖΓÇó my favourite designer, the most perfect advice for life. Live colorfully. So sorry you weren├óΓé¼Γäót able to see the colour in yours… #katespade #mentalhealthawareness
— Natalie Ledward (@natalie_ledward) June 5, 2018
I still use my first Kate Spade bag to this day. She will forever be one of my favorite designers. ❤️ ♠️ #KateSpade #livecolorfully
— Jamie Lasala (@JamieRael) June 5, 2018
❤️ #KateSpade 1st Soho store where I bought my 1st little black baguette bag that never left my side My go to concert bag fit an amazing amount of stuff 4 any emergency like when a girl spilled red wine on me during a concert & I had tide wipes! I still have all my Kate bags 💔
— Lisa V. (@volpela) June 5, 2018
#Katespade was the first nice bag I ever treated myself to. I had no idea when I took this picture that the person behind it might be hurting. This is a harsh reminder to check in on people even if you don’t think they’re struggling. #SuicidePrevention
— Mentally Ch(ill) Pod (@ChillMentally) June 5, 2018
[Image via Joseph Marzullo/WENN.]
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