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Katherine Jackson Is NOT Pressing Charges Against Her Children

While we think Katherine Jackson‘s recent treatment at an Arizona spa was slightly criminal, Michael Jackson‘s mother will not be pressing charges against anybody involved.
In other words, her kids. Whatever bad blood might’ve been there before, Katharine is taking the high road to get past it.
The Jackson family matriarch’s attorney told sources:

“This chapter of chaos is closed and we are supportive of family unity in spite of recent events and arguably poor decisions.”

Poor decisions, indeed!
At least the case is closed and MJ’s kids are safely in the joint custody of their loving grandmother and cousin TJ.
At the end of the day, that’s all any of us wants, right? To make sure those three kids are given the kind of love and looking after their father would want for them.
[Image via WENN.]

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Aug 06, 2012 10:39am PDT

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