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Ke$ha Gets A Lion Cub Named After Her

In one of her songs, Ke$ha may describe herself as a “carnivore animal” who “eats boys up,” but in South Africa there’s a Ke$ha who’s a REAL man eater!
She’s a lion cub living at the Ukutula Lion Park & Lodge in South Africa.
Ke$ha, the human singer, recently took a plane, boat, bus and then walked to the game farm outside Johannesburg to help rehabilitate the lions.
She said:

“Helping to rehabilitate an orphaned lion cub was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
Being with animals re-energizes me, and this trip just reminded me how important it is for me to do everything in my power to help protect them.”

She posted the above pic of the two of them to her twitter and wrote:

“me + baby lion ke$ha”

Her and the lion became very close but she was happy to say goodbye.

“I was glad to leave my lion, because an animal like that should live in the wild. Keeping it confined is really just inhumane. Hopefully she will be back roaming freely on the nature preservation soon.”

We all knew Ke$ha was an animal lover but she’s really putting her money where her mouth is and actually going to Africa to save the animals!
Also it got her a lion cub named after her which is ah-may-zing!
[Image courtesy Ke$ha.]

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Dec 28, 2011 19:00pm PDT

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