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Kellan Lutz Doesn't Mind Brushing Off The Ladies For A Good Bromance!


Bros will be bros, you know?!

And apparently Kellan Lutz takes guy code very seriously, even when hot chicks are involved!

The actor was in Chicago for Lollapalooza festivities, where he visited Miami lounge to sneak in some bromantic time with close buds!

Kellan and his man-crew made their way to the Barefoot Wine & Bubbly bar and chatted up some of Lutzy’s female admirers! One source reveals:

“The actor talked to the girls about his upcoming Expendables 3 role and even did an impression of his costar, Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

But an onlooker confessed that the star’s fan convo was short lived:

“[Kellan] brushed off the female attention and seemed much more into hanging out with his guys.”

You know what they say in the bro world…

Dicks before chicks!


[Image via STS/WENN.]

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Aug 08, 2013 02:03am PDT