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Animal Cruelty

Kellan Lutz Wants To Stop Cruel Crustacean Slaughter Methods

Kellan Lutz wants to save lobsters from a painful, agonizing death!
Kellan Lutz is so hunky, strong, caring, hunky, talented and hunky.
He also cares about animals that most people wouldn’t think need a champion.
After seeing a video of a slaughterhouse in Maine shelling lobsters while they’re still alive, Kellen knew something had to be done.
So he penned an open letter to the Linda Bean factory, writing:

“I├óΓé¼Γäóm not a vegetarian, but I know cruelty when I see it. I watched as conscious lobsters were torn apart by your employees, who then threw them into dumpsters to die slowly and painfully, treating them as if they were trash rather than living beings.”

Kellen, along with PETA, is calling for the slaughterhouse to consider a more humane system, giving the creatures a quick, painless death.
It’s the least we can do for them!
Check out the undercover video AFTER THE JUMP!! but BEWARE it is GRAPHIC!

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Nov 09, 2013 10:03am PDT