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Kim Kardashian Used To Cheat On Tests In School Using This One Weird Trick...

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Tsk, tsk, tsk… say it ain’t so, Kim Kardashian West!
The KUWTK star posted to her website on Friday night a pretty mild list of 20 semi-interesting facts about her that we probably didn’t know, and for the most part, well, yeah. OK.
There was stuff about hating air conditioning (living in Calabasas?!), and hating the sleeves of Starbucks coffee cups, and other stuff that might be a little ploy to make her seem more relatable.
But then… something caught our eye.
Related: Kim Actually Starts Rumors She & Kanye West Are Pregnant!
It was this little factoid (below):

“I know the alphabet in sign language and would cheat on my tests with my friends by speaking in sign language.”

Whoa!! Kimmy, we didn’t think you had it in you!! Ha!!
Sign language is a great think to know, but to cheat?! Hmm…
After all, the KUWTK starlet is pretty into law and order, and doing things by the book — but maybe that’s just a product of her naughty younger days as a cheater! LOLz!
Related: Kim Is Ready To Bring The Hammer Down On Paris Robbers
Or, perhaps it’s a product of her and the fam trying to be more likable and relevant as everyone’s attention moves on to Donald Trump
Either way, it’s something.
And now you know.

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Feb 04, 2017 17:57pm PDT