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Kim Kardashian: 'I Have Only Gained 20 Pounds, Not 65!!'

kim kardashian claims she hasnt gained 65 pounds(1)
It’s been speculated that pregnant Kim Kardashian has gained a whopping 65 pounds, and while she’s only in her second trimester, that much weight gain is obviously a lot… so instead of crying about her body, the reality star is fighting back and wants everyone to know that she has only gained 20 pounds!!
Miz Kardashian appeared on Live With Kelly & Michael earlier today, where she told Michael Strahan and guest host Kristin Chenoweth that she has most definitely NOT gained 65 pounds, she said:

“I’ve gained 20 pounds — at this stage Kourtney had already gained, like, 30. I probably will gain all that weight, they say you gain that at the end. I probably will gain that 65, just give me a couple more months.”

Since Kanye West‘s baby mama is sticking to a healthy diet, we think it’s highly unlikely that she’s pushing 200 pounds.
Plus, because her sis Kourtney Kardashian is helping Kim stay on an organic diet and is giving her “tips,” we think that she’s right where she should be.
Don’t U?!?
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 26, 2013 18:50pm PDT