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Kim Kardashian Gets Brutally Honest About Baby Weight Criticism In First Interview Since Giving Birth!

Kim Kardashian opens up about baby weight criticism in first interview

You tell ’em, Kim!

Kim Kardashian has taken the brunt of criticism when it comes to her body since giving birth to North West just a little over four months ago.

And, she ain’t taking it lying down!

Being a new mom shouldn’t revolve around jumping back into your old schedule and spending hours at the gym. It’s all about bonding with that new bundle of joy – and Kim is no different!

Since giving birth, Kim is finally opening up and getting brutally honest in her first interview with the Sunday Times STYLE section, and she opened up about all of the trials that go along with losing her baby weight and how all the negative attention “completely destroyed her.”

The great thing is that she HAS been finding time to work out though and has lost 25 lbs. since giving birth, but Nori obviously is still her number one priority. In the interview, she revealed:

“I haven’t exercised a whole lot so far. I’ve busy with the baby and I don’t want to leave her.”

Aww! That’s so sweet! Nori is pretty darn cute so we can see why it would be tough to leave her!

Kim’s been sighted at Barry’s Bootcamp as well as Pilates Plus classes, so we know she’s been working on her curves!

We’re so glad she’s taking it slow so that she stays healthy and gets to enjoy her time with her baby girl.

P.S. CLICK HERE to read about her Atkins diet!

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Oct 21, 2013 11:59am PDT