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Lance Armstrong Says WHO Supplied Him With EPOs??

While Lance Armstrong has been busy admitting and supposedly lying about his doping issues, he’s now claiming that he received his EPOs from a Frenchman named Philippe Maire.
Maire got dubbed “Motoman” since he rides a motorbike and would deliver drugs on his bike during the 1999 Tour de France.
And according to Maire, he said he:

“Was not Motoman and did not supply Lance Armstrong with EPO.”

However, Armstrong noted that he did indeed deliver drugs to him and his teammates on the low low.
And to back up Lance’s claims, his ex-friend, Tyler Hamilton, said that Motoman even nicknamed the drug “Edgar,” so that no one would get caught with it.
Crazy thing is, Philippe is sticking to his side of the story and stated that he’s not mad at the biker for trying to call him on on something he didn’t do.
He said:

“I still see Lance Armstrong the same way. We have a saying in France, ‘We can’t make a race horse out of a donkey’.”

Welp, this is inneresting! Guess at this point there’s really no room to point fingers ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ especially since Armstrong already admitted his faults!!
[Image via HRC/WENN.]

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Jan 23, 2013 18:52pm PDT

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