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Nannygate Déjà Vu -- Looking Star Lauren Weedman Reveals Her Husband Had An Affair With Their Son's 18-Year-Old Babysitter!

Lauren Weedman
Lauren Weedman is opening up about discovering that her husband David was allegedly having an affair with their son Leo‘s 18-year-old babysitter. The actress didn’t find out about the betrayal until after their split.
After an 11-year relationship, Miz Weedman and David decided to call it quits, but were successfully co-parenting their son when she discovered the inappropriate relationship.
In a story she penned for the New York Post, Weedman shared:

“So when David accidentally left his laptop at my place, I didn’t think anything of turning it on. The computer had once belonged to me, and I wanted to make sure I hadn’t left any important videos ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ such as Leo’s birth ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ behind. But the oldest video on David’s computer wasn’t one of Leo splashing in the bathtub. It was of our babysitter, Simone, sans clothes ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ and it was dated 2011, a year before David and I had even gotten married.”

Related: Jennifer Garner Breaks Her Silence On Nannygate & Ben Affleck Divorce!
The Looking star described herself as the “primary breadwinner” in the marriage, and said her ex stayed at home with Leo and his other son from another relationship.
The 47-year-old said it was David who suggested hiring help:

“When Leo was 1, David recommended we hire Simone, an 18-year-old aspiring actress whom he mentored. She would show up in low-cut tops and miniskirts, but I thought that was just because girls are so overly sexualized in Southern California. When a friend of mine told me that she had spotted them together in the street, I assumed that they were discussing her career.”

She describes their breakup:

“David grew increasingly distant. He’d go on long bike rides and disappear for hours. After months of tense, one-sentence conversations, I snapped.
‘You keep telling me that you’re ‘happier than you’ve ever been in your life’ being a stay-at-home dad, but you seem so unhappy. At least with me. I can’t take it anymore. Listen, David, if you’re not happy, if you don’t want to be married, then let’s split. We’ll be good co-parents. We’ll├óΓé¼┬ª’
‘Yes. I think we should,’ David interrupted before I could even finish my thought.”

It wasn’t until three months later that she knew the real reason why he was so distant — and after she discovered the video, she made a phone call to Simone:

“When I found the video, I couldn’t even scream, as Leo was in the room. I’d always pictured catching a husband in an affair as a dramatic scene complete with the slashing of car tires. Instead, I called Simone and left a voice mail: ‘You’re not babysitting today. You’re never babysitting Leo again.'”

She continued:

“I should have followed my instincts. Other parents warned me about Simone, but as a feminist who works with at-risk girls, I didn’t want to pass on a new babysitter just because she was overly sexual. I thought she was just a lost, damaged kid. I thought if I didn’t hire her, it would make me look old some old insecure troll. I was trying to prove to David that I was cool.”

Now, two years since the split, the actress says David and Simone are still together:

“It’s every woman’s nightmare, and it can happen to anyone ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ just look at Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck. It comes down to the fact that this whole manhood thing is tough. Feeling like a man, being a money earner, being the one who takes control ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ I thought they were clich├â┬⌐s. But they’re true. Men think that they want to have all of that pressure off of them, but once it’s lifted, it can be emasculating to be less successful than your wife.
It’s been two years since David and I split, and he and Simone are still together. It can still be painful but, surprisingly, I’m grateful for the affair. I needed something to completely cut me off from my ex-husband. Otherwise, I would have stayed with him despite his constant unhappiness and the ongoing fighting. I was so committed. But it made me realize that I needed to put my own needs first. So, in some ways, I’m grateful to Simone. I’m grateful to be free.”

David was reached for comment on the story, to which he replied:

├óΓé¼ΓÇ╣”├óΓé¼ΓÇ╣The only thing I would say is that Lauren is a writer and a storyteller who, like many, combines truth with fiction in her art as a way of getting to a deeper truth. I respect her work and collaborated with her on several projects, and support her work as best I can. It makes no sense for me to say what is true and what is not, as I do not believe that is what her work is about; the book is about her truth and is not a documentary. Even though we were not able to be partners we have found a way to be great co-parents to my son and for that I am very grateful and that is the only thing that matters.├óΓé¼ΓÇ╣”├óΓé¼ΓÇ╣

Nannygate strikes again!
We’re just happy they’ve found a successful way to co-parent for the sake of their kid.
*All names except for Lauren and Leo have been changed.
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[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 18, 2016 10:52am PDT