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Lindsay Lohan Defends Her Sobriety Following Her First Episode Of Lindsay; You Know, Where She Skips Her AA Meeting Purposefully

lindsay lohan is totes sober
Guys, she’s totes sober! Ya gotta believe her!
According to sources, Lindsay Lohan is insisting to friends that despite not going to AA meetings, as seen in the first episode of Lindsay, she’s totally clean!
There’s no alcohol in her at all, EVER!!
She doesn’t need those meetings; she can do it on her own/with her sober coach!
According to the source:

“[Lindsay is] in a really good place right now… she is doing what has been asked of her by the court in her lying to cops case. She tries to get to AA meetings, but because she is a celebrity, it’s always an issue.”

Well, it’s good that she’s supposedly doing what she’s meant to, but we still think she should attend meetings, celebrity or not!
They’ll be incredibly helpful to her recovery!!
However, even though she’s still sober, she’s also incredibly paranoiad about people around her and her everyday life.
They said:

“Lindsay would hardly even allow housekeeping in the room to clean. She was afraid someone was going to take pictures and sell it to the tabloids. The level of paranoia with Lindsay is terribly high, sadly.├óΓé¼┬¥

Poor girl!
Judging by the room we saw last night, though, she SHOULD have let housekeeping in to clean!
It was a pigsty!
Get it together, gurlfriend! We believe in you!

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Mar 11, 2014 12:52pm PDT

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