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Watch Lindsay Lohan Re-Enact Her Favorite Mean Girls Quotes 14 Years Later!

Watch Lindsay Lohan Re-Enact Her Favorite Mean Girls Quotes 14 Years Later!

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This is so grool!
We’ll never tire of revisiting Mean Girls, and we hope Lindsay Lohan doesn’t either!
Nearly 14 years since the original’s release (we know, cray!), the star is giving us Cady Heron flashbacks — and a number of other characters — as she re-enacts eight of her favorite lines from the classic film for W Magazine!
Related: It Is Possible She’s Just Trying To Prove Her Lack Of ‘European Accent’…
What’s her absolute fave? Which one does she think Tina Fey needs to rewrite??
Ch-ch-check out the vid (below) to find out!

[Image via Paramount Pictures/YouTube.]

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Feb 07, 2018 01:33am PDT