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Star Seeker


Look At Me, Bitches!

Look At Me, Bitches!

What Madonna wants, Madonna gets.
The international icon had a list of very particular backstage demands for last weekend’s Live Earth concert in London, which she headlined.
Make eye contact, her Madgesty’s peeps ordered all journos. Make eye contact and keep it.
While some stars demand no direct eye contact and not to be spoken to unless they speak to you first, her Madgesty startled organizers of the global warming awareness concert by reportedly insisting that anyone who interviewed her backstage at Wembley Stadium was not allowed to look away.
“Eye contact must be maintained at all times,” interviewers were told. “Never look down to check notes — all questions must be memorized or the interview will be terminated.”
Hardcore! But then again, Madonna doesn’t grant that many interviews, so them lucky bitches who did chat with her should have appreciate the rarity of the occasion.
“We thought her people were just joking,” a source told the paper. “But it soon became apparent that they were deadly serious.”
Interviewers were also given a list of questions they were not allowed to ask: no inquiries about the state of her marriage to director Guy Ritchie, about their adoption of a Malawian child, or about her religion, Kabbalah.
Hey, at least you could ask her about her zombie hands!
[Image via Mavrix Online.]

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Jul 10, 2007 09:58am PDT

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