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Newly Released College Admissions Scandal Emails Show Lori Loughlin & Mossimo Giannulli's Alleged Involvement

Lori Loughlin college admissions scandal email document dump

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli are well on their way to having THE day in court regarding the college admissions scandal.

If prosecutors have anything to say about it, though, it appears they’re going to put pressure on Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose‘s parents to no end — including a major document dump this week. In it, the feds publicly released nearly 500 records, including emails, purporting to show the true extent and nature of the embattled couple’s alleged involvement in the now-infamous college admissions scandal.

Related: USC Fires A Ton Of Officials — But How Will It Impact Lori’s Case?!

According to the email dump, an unnamed USC official was in contact with Giannulli as early as September 2016, apparently trying to court the fashion designer over potentially donating to his alma mater. Emailing Lori’s husband about a “check in” over the status of his potential assistance to the university, the official asked about whether Isabella Rose planned on “continuing with the admissions process at USC,” and wrote:

“Please let me know if I can be at all helpful in setting up a 1:1 opportunity for her, customized tour of campus for the family and/or a classroom visit. I’d also be happy to flag her application.”

Nothing like allowing the already-rich and well-connected to get ahead in life, ya know?! Jeez…

Now, the email’s release has prompted USC to come out and deny any wrongdoing. In a statement to The New York Times this week, the school fired back:

“What was being offered to the Giannullis was neither special nor unique. Tours, classroom visits and meetings are routinely offered. The primary purpose of a flag is to be able to track the outcome of the admission review process. It is not a substitute for otherwise being qualified for admission to USC.”

That may be true!

olivia jade bella rose lori loughlin
The rowers and their momma! / (c) FayesVision/WENN.

That email seems to bolster the defense’s argument, which we learned last week was all about convincing the jury the parents were just trying to make legitimate donations to the university’s athletics department — which was rather unrelenting in its fundraising efforts. Here we see someone from USC reaching out, just like the defense said.

Only, here’s the thing…

Giannulli actually turned down the offer to donate to the school legitimately! He responded to the persistent official’s request for a follow-up:

“Thanks so much, I think we are squared away.”

He even went so far as to forward the entire email chain with the USC official to Lori, joking with her (below):

“That’s the nicest I’ve ever been at blowing off somebody.”

That’s right. They were will aware of the up-and-up path toward donating to the school and, as the prosecutor’s filing put it on Thursday, “specifically rejected this ‘legitimate’ approach.”

Related: Lori And Mossimo Claim Prosecutors Have Been Hiding Evidence!

Another email shows why the parents had no interest in legit donations — in August of 2016, a month before that USC official reached out to Mossimo, the scandal’s alleged ringleader William “Rick” Singer was apparently already doing his part on Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose’s behalf.

Writing to the fashion head honcho, Singer informed him of the status of his daughters’ applications — as well as the creation of a rowing portfolio, as you can read here:

“I met with USC today about [redacted]. I need a PDF of her transcript and test scores while I create a coxswain portfolio for her. It would probably help to get a picture with her on an ERG [an indoor rowing machine] in workout clothes like a real athlete too.”

Unmoved by the fake rowing profile and the set-up of photos while wearing “workout clothes like a real athlete,” Giannulli simply responded:

“Fantastic. Will get all.”

Again, Mossimo knows his daughter doesn’t row crew and therefore isn’t “a real athlete,” so he has to know what he’s agreeing to is fraudulent.

Isabella Rose was eventually admitted to USC under conditional athletic acceptance as a member of the crew team, with younger sister (and fast-growing YouTube star) Olivia Jade quickly following in her wake the next year.

But in March 2018, dean of admissions Tim Brunold actually almost busted the girls, writing in a newly released email to an athletics administrator:

“Here are a couple of students whose high schools were quite surprised to hear they were being admitted as athletic recruits.”

Yeah, their high school knew they weren’t rowers, too. Unfortunately the person on the receiving end of that email was senior associate athletics director Donna Heinel — who is currently facing charges by the government for accepting bribes. That means she was being asked to investigate her own alleged wrongdoing; shocker that she didn’t find any wrongdoing. Based on these emails, she was able to clear up the discrepancy by telling Brunold the girls had rowed for a club outside of school and had been vetted by a USC rowing coach — none of which was true.

Felicity Huffman Pleading Guilty College Admissions Scandal

What do U think, Perezcious readers?? With all you’ve seen, does the government have a case here? Are Lori and Mossimo destined for prison, or will they walk away scot-free?

Sound OFF about the entire scandal and more in the comments (below)…

[Image via Nicky Nelson/WENN]

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Jan 16, 2020 10:01am PDT