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David Blaine

Not Only Did Madonna Bare Her Boobs For Interview Magazine, She Also Got Candid About Drugs!

Not Only Did Madonna Bare Her Boobs For Interview Magazine, She Also Got Candid About Drugs!

madonna interview magazine drugs
Boobs, drugs, what’s next???
Madonna‘s latest spread for Interview magazine has turned out to be more fruitful than we ever imagined.
Not only did she show off her perfectly plump bosom, but she also talked a little bit about this, that, and everything with her interviewer, David Blaine!
[ Related: View Madonna’s Topless Interview Mag Photos! ]
At one point, David asks Queen Madge about a new song she has coming out called Devil Prays, which makes drug references.
She explains the song further, and even delves into her personal drug use, saying:

“It’s about how people take drugs to connect to God or to a higher level of consciousness. I keep saying, ‘Plugging into the matrix.’ If you get high, you can do that, which is why a lot of people drop acid or do drugs, because they want to get closer to God. But there’s going to be a short circuit, and that’s the illusion of drugs, because they give you the illusion of getting closer to God, but ultimately they kill you. They destroy you. I mean, I tried everything once, but as soon as I was high, I spent my time drinking tons of water to get it out of my system. As soon as I was high, I was obsessed with flushing it out of me. I was like, ‘Okay, I’m done now.'”

Moral of the story: drugs are ultimately bad, no matter how they make you feel in the meantime.
No one should really be surprised to hear that Madonna has once again taken a stand against drugs — she’s been anti-drugs for ages!
And you’ll hear more about that once her song is released!
[Image via Interview Magazine.]

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Dec 02, 2014 13:20pm PDT