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Madonna RESPONDS To Malawi Controversy: "My Reasons For Being Here Have NEVER Changed!"

Yes! We’re so glad she’s finally speaking up!
Such a SHAME that her tireless and incredible efforts are being called into question!
You may have heard of some of the controversy surrounding Madonna‘s latest trip to Malawi, as the Education Minister Eunice Kazembe recently claimed that they had not been consulted regarding possible discrepancies over if the pop superstar and the organization BuildOn where supposed to build ten new schools or classrooms for the impoverished country!
Thankfully, Her Madgesty, who also brought her adopted children David and Mercy with her to visit their birthplace, recently made a statement on her fifth day there, outside the Consol Homes Orphan Care Centre outside the capital city Lilongwe, which reaffirmed how deeply she cares for the country’s children, and how all of her efforts are for them, first and foremost!
Ch-ch-check out her words of inspiration (above)!
Amen to that!
Regardless of any confusion or crossed wires, it is CLEAR that Madonna’s sole purpose is to use her position and resources to help improve the quality of life and futures of children, and we couldn’t be more touched by the importance she places in giving back and doing good!
The lives you have affected for the better are COUNTLESS, gurl!
Keep it up! We need more people like you in this world!

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Apr 07, 2013 14:43pm PDT

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