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Maryland High School Has The Most Boring Dance Ever -- Prohibits Twerking!!!

maryland high school outlaws twerking homecoming dance
Way to suck the fun out of things, adults!
South River High School, in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, has their homecoming on November 2nd, and the students all have to sign a DANCE CONTRACT!
The parents also have to sign the paper that states:

The manner of dancing will be appropriate for a school function. No dancing such as moshing or slamming will be
permitted. Sexually explicit dancing will not be tolerated.
Sexually explicit dancing is defined as the following:
o Freaking, grinding, or any other dancing that can be construed as vulgar or provocative – including TWERKING
o No intimate touching of the breasts, buttocks, or genitals, or that simulate sexual activity
o No back to front dancing; no squatting or bending
o No hands on the knees or on the floor with buttocks facing or touching a partner or in the air
o No leg or hip grinding
o No “making out” (overt and/or prolonged public displays of affection)

Is it just us, or are we reading about the school in Footloose?! LOLz!
We’re just kidding though! While it’s a bummer that there are so many rules and restrictions about people expressing themselves, these kids are still in high school.
And it’s not hard to have a good time without all of that stuff, but twerking does instantly makes any dance better. Just saying!
The administrators said that parents had to sign the paper so that it opens up the conversation at home about sexual dancing.
Some students are skeptical though and say this kind of dancing will still go on, with or without the contracts.
We just hope all of the students have a great time! That’s the most important part!

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Oct 25, 2013 20:03pm PDT

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