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Mena Suvari

Mena Suvari Keeping Busy! Lands A Role On American Horror Story

mena suvari lands a role on american horror story
Wow! Is it like a rule a that Mena Suvari must be cast in EVERYTHING with the word “American” in the title???
Last we heard from the American Pie/American Virgin/American Beauty star, she had landed a role in American Reunion, and was getting a pret-ty decent paycheck for it!
Now, we’re hearing that Mena has gotten another gig: as The Black Dahlia on American Horror Story!
For those of you who didn’t see the Brian De Palma movie, Dahlia/Elizabeth Short was a “high-profile murder victim whose 1947 unsolved killing was the subject of myriad books and movie adaptations.”
Sounds like a fun episode, but we’re even MORE excited to see Zachary Quinto as a gay ghost next week! He can haunt us ANY time! LOLz.
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 21, 2011 16:15pm PDT

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