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Meredith Vieira Spent A Weekend In The Hospital After Her Husband Had A Life-Threatening Health Scare! Get The Deets HERE!

Meredith Vieira's husband had a major health scare after a blood clot moved from his leg to his heart!
Oh no!!! This is so scary!
Meredith Vieira spent a stressful weekend in the hospital after doctors discovered a blood clot in her husband Richard Cohen‘s foot had traveled up to his lungs and was dangerously close to his heart!
The 66-year-old has been battling with multiple sclerosis for four decades and documented this weekend’s health scare on his blog, writing:

“A badly swollen foot and a series of tests at a local hospital revealed a sizable blood clot in a leg. A CT scan indicated a piece of the clot had broken off and reached my lungs, perched on a blood vessel close to my heart. This was dangerous. By Sunday morning, we were in a major medical center in New York City, I was on blood thinners and it was made clear to us that this was touch and go.”

Richard says he was in VERY bad condition and doctors later told him he was “pulled back from the brink”!
Luckily, he managed to pull through and doctors placed an “umbrella” in his vein to catch any future clots. Meredith took to Twitter to share the good news:

Ha! It definitely sounds like he’s feeling a whole lot better!
We’re definitely glad to hear Richard pulled through and hopefully they wont have to deal with anymore health scares any time soon!
[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 02, 2014 16:29pm PDT

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