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Michael Bay Wants TMNT Fans To Relax AGAIN

Michael Bay please
Michael Bay is doing all sorts of wrong to the fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. First he announced that Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and Leonardo were going to be from an alien planet in his live-action reboot, which quickly prompted outrage on the internet.
NOW he’s announced that the title of the highly-anticipated film will be shortened to simply Ninja Turtles.
Surprise, surprise…fans are pissed. He last told the disappointed masses on his website to “take a breath, and chill.” In response to the most recent outrage over the name change, he’s not citing “a more complex back story,” but pointing fingers at the studio in charge of this operation, writing:

“Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same, and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in the movie. This script is being developed by two very smart writers, with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE’S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN.”

Hey, it could be worse. At least he kept the Turtles part and didn’t decide to change the title to Teenage Mutant Ninja Aliens.
Uh oh…we hope we didn’t just give him any ideas. Ha!
As long as HE DOESN’T LET US DOWN, we’re going to take a few more chill pills and try to hold our judgement until we see a trailer. Key word there is try. Who knows what other ridiculous “complex” changes the man behind Transformers is going to make to this beloved franchise.
Are U still on board with this reboot?

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Mar 27, 2012 22:30pm PDT

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