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Michelle Obama Is The First Lady Of Fashion In Texas

Michelle Obama schools former first ladies with her fashion sense
So five first ladies went to a library…
Michelle Obama joined four former first ladies — Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush, and Rosalynn Carter — at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Center opening ceremony in Dallas on Thursday.
We don’t know what they talked about. We assume they all complimented each other on something, or remarked about what a pleasant day it was.
And we’re sure some of the other ladies felt a little miffed that FLOTUS looked better than them in her pale indigo dress and matching coat, multi-strand pearl necklace, and gray pumps.
But what can you do???
MObama is a style icon and very few can even hope to compete with her.
It’s not like the other ladies looked bad — they were dressed very appropriately — but, really, it was a losing battle.
[Image via AP Images.]

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Apr 25, 2013 19:32pm PDT