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Michelle Rodriguez Hopes Her "Big Fat Mouth" Will Help Others! Find Out How It Helped Her HERE!

michelle rodriguez opens up about being bi sexual
Awwww! We love that she feels this way!
Michelle Rodriguez told the world last year that she’s bi-sexual, and proceeded to show everyone when she publicly dated Cara Delevingne!
But her decision to live freely and openly with her sexuality was a MAJOR one and we seriously applaud her for it!
She’s now hoping that her courage in coming forward and speaking up about her sexuality will encourage others to do the same!
She said:

”I’m not big on people’s opinions, you know? Unless it’s somebody I really respect. I don’t care what people out there have to say. But I do realize the importance of having the bravery to live as who you are and I feel like a lot of people don’t have that bravery. Maybe by me opening my big fat mouth like I usually do and stepping up and owning who I am, maybe it might inspire somebody else to do the same.”

LOLOL! Her big fat mouth! We love that!
But seriously, we totally echo her sentiments!
It’s celebrities like her and Ellen Page who are brave and come forward with their sexuality that inspire others to live in the open, instead of in fear!
So brave!! You go, gurl!!

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May 14, 2014 09:01am PDT

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