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Mike Huckabee Questions Barack Obama's Parenting Skills And Love Of Beyoncé, But Praises The Duggar's Family Values!

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“We really care what Mike Huckabee thinks about the President’s parenting skills,” said no one ever.
[ Related: Mike Huckabee Claims That Jay Z Is Beyonc├â┬⌐’s ‘Pimp’ ]
Former Arkansas governor and Fox News talk show host, Mike “I hate Jay Z and Beyonc├â┬⌐ with a passion” Huckabee turned some heads and caused spit-takes when he called Mr. Carter Bey’s “pimp” in his book God, Guns, Grits and Gravy.
In the self-penned pages, he wonders how Sasha and Malia could be exposed to the music of Bey, and how President Obama and Michelle Obama could encourage their love of Yoncé.
Here’s what he had to say in a recent interview:

“That’s the whole point. I don’t understand how on one hand they can be such doting parents and so careful about the intake of everything ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ how much broccoli they eat and where they go to school and making sure they’re kind of sheltered and shielded from so many things ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ and yet they don’t see anything that might not be suitable for either a preteen or a teen in some of the lyrical content and choreography of Beyonc├â┬⌐, who has sort of a regular key to the door.”

Hmmm, let’s figure out this conundrum, Mike!
Maybe they like Beyonc├â┬⌐ because she’s an incredible modern woman who has embraced her sexuality in creative endeavors, and not a pilgrim from the late 17th century silently whittling a chair!
We think that if Mike had his ‘druthers, Drunk in Love would be renamed Sober in an Arranged Marriage.
However, in a not so surprising twist, Mike loves the Duggars‘ parenting skills:

“I’ve pointed them out as an example of something that’s wholesome and wonderful and I’ve known them since Jim Bob was in the legislature when I was governor. Should I run, I’m hoping they’ll do it again. And now there’s more of ’em!”

Of course, the 19 Kids & Counting family campaigned for him in 2008.

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Jan 13, 2015 19:58pm PDT

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