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Miley Cyrus

Miley Has A Heart Problem

Miley Cyrus has a lot of problems: that annoying hooker voice, a daddy pimp, a pedo-boyfriend, and a career that is sure to burn out as soon as the tweenies grow up.
But she’s also got a heart problem!
In her autobiography (which covers all of her exciting 16 years and offers a wealth of insight, we’re sure), Miles to Go, Miley reveals that she suffers from tachycardia, a condition which means that her resting heart rate is faster than normal resting heart rates.
The condition is not life threatening, though it does bother her. She says, “There is never a time onstage when I├óΓé¼Γäóm not thinking about my heart.”
Just like there is never a moment when Slutty’s on stage that Pimp Daddy Cyrus is not thinking about all the money his daughter is raking in.
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 10, 2009 12:32pm PDT

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