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Morrissey Calls Pippa Middleton A ‘Thickwit’ For Hunting Birds

morrissey slams pippa middleton killing birds for fun
Even if he says some cray cray stuff, you gotta love the bluntness!
Morrissey recently penned a blog criticizing Pippa Middleton, among others, for her October bird hunting excursion, and he was far from kind.
The Smiths former frontman wrote:

“Similarly, on October 5, the Daily Mail newspaper gave us all an ‘amusing’ report of thickwit Pippa Middleton laughing as she stood over 50 birds shot dead by her friends and herself after a ‘busy day’s shooting.├óΓé¼Γäó We are reminded by the Daily Mail that Middleton is a ‘socialite’, which tells us that she is privileged and can more-or-less kill whatever she likes├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥and, therefore she does. The sick face of modern Britain, Pippa Middleton will kill deer, boar, birds├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥any animal struggling to live, or that gets in her socialite way. This is because her sister is, of course, Kate, who herself became ‘royal’ simply by answering the telephone at the right time, and this association allows Pippa’s kill, kill, kill mentality to be smilingly endorsed by the British print media, to which only the mentally deficient could join in with the laughter.”

Morrissey has been a vegetarian for years, so it’s understandable that something like hunting would get him riled up. But he didn’t stop there! The singer also took some shots at the Queen:

“Speech is a question of rhythm, and even this the Queen has failed to master in her very lengthy lifetime of being unable to address a nation without auto-cue. Is she incapable of speaking directly from the heart? That the future of the monarchy rests on the natural idiocy of Harry, zombified William and airhead Kate, is quite frightening. We, the British public, are trapped.”

That was all unnecessary name calling, but if it’s how Morrissey feels, then he has the right to speak his mind!
He was oddly complimentary of one person — Russell Brand:

“Thank you to Russell Brand for standing up and speaking out in recent weeks. Like anyone who speaks out in modern Britain, he has been shot down.├óΓé¼┬¥

It’s a shame that he’d say such hurtful things about Pippa and the Royals, but it must just come with the territory.
[Image via Instagram and WENN.]

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Nov 24, 2013 16:45pm PDT