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You Won't Believe What This Woman On My Strange Addiction Eats! How Does She Still Have Teeth?

My Strange Addiction has featured many subjects with unusual eating habits: the woman who eats plastic bags, one who eats dryer sheets, another that eats make-up.
Those items are commonly found around the home.
But their latest subject — 29-year-old Patrice from London — actually eats her home. You see, Patrice consumes bricks.
Patrice’s addiction started when she was just 17-years-old. Her cravings got so intense she chewed a 2-foot wall in her bedroom. She also secretly ate part of her grandma’s house, and estimates she’s eaten a half ton of bricks in 12 years.
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Frankly, we don’t even know how she still has teeth… or is even alive. Check out the clip above.
As a bonus, check out this exclusive video of Linda, who is married to “Bruce.” Bruce is a 70-foot, 60-ton carnival ride.
And let’s just say Linda gets a lot more pleasure out of riding Bruce than the normal person. That’s right, she has sexual feelings for inanimate objects. Watch:

My Strange Addiction airs on TLC Wednesdays at 10/9 p.m. Central. Thankfully the show has a disclaimer that viewers should NOT attempt what they watch.

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Jan 14, 2015 18:07pm PDT