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Icky Icky Diaper Poo

Pregnant Woman Loves Sniffing & Chewing Piss-Filled Diapers! See Her Strange Addiction In Action HERE!

Just when you thought My Strange Addiction couldn’t get any weirder, they went and did this!!!
In Wednesday night’s episode of TLC‘s most disturbingly compelling series, we met Keyshia – a 22-year-old pregnant woman from NYC who pretty much has the grossest addiction in the history of ever!!
She feels compelled to sniff and chew USED diapers that are loaded up with piss and totally enjoys it!!!
Umm, no. Just no. That’s just craaaaaay!!!
Ch-ch-check out Keyshia in action (above)!
Eww! Eww! Eww! EWWWWW!
We don’t even know what to say, except that My Strange Addiction airs Wednesdays at 10pm.

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Jan 16, 2014 04:30am PDT

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