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Neiman Marcus Offers $150,000 Ultimate Falconry Kit!!

Neiman Marcus offers $150,000 ultimate falconry kit!!

Are you a big fan of Neiman Marcus and their wonderful, fancy, high-end goods?

Are you also a big fan of birds, specifically falcons, even more specifically the art of falconry??

Yes, falconry, as in the sport of hunting prey with falcons.

If you answered yes to all of the above, as we assume most of you did (JK), then boy have we got a deal for you!!

Neiman Marcus is now selling a Bespoke Global ultimate falconry kit for the low, low (read: high, high) price of $150,000!!

They posted a pic (above) to their instagram and wrote:

“Fantasy Gift: Bespoke Global ultimate falconry kit $150K #OnlyatNM”

So if you’ve always wanted to get into falconry but wanted to do it in style and not have to do a whole lot of shopping to get all of your supplies, then look no further!!

We bet this sweet package deal is getting scooped up by medieval kings all across the British countryside! LOLz!

Seriously though, we would love to see the sales figures on how many of these they sell and who actually would buy this.

This falconry kit is for the birds! Ha!

[Image via Neiman Marcus.]

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Oct 09, 2013 08:59am PDT

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