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Coming Soon To SyFy - Piranhaconda!


Yes! YES! YES!

First they brought us the glory of Sharktopus! Then we treated to our beloved Debbie Gibson and Tiffany duking it out alongside Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid!

Now, SyFy has a new creature feature ready to blow our minds with its sophisticated CGI, thought-provoking, multi-layered screenplay, unprecedented acting skills, and a budget that only the Ark Music Factory could successfully work with – and it’s called Piranhaconda!

That’s right, an anaconda/piranha hyrbid!

According to a plot synopsis, the flick stars Michael Madsen and Rachel Hunter, and involves “a low-budget horror movie crew, inept kidnappers and a reptile expert battle a monstrous anaconda/piranha hybrid in the Amazon jungle.├óΓé¼┬¥

And check out what that little beastie is going to look like (above)!

LOLz! Oh man. That is some straight up camp, right there.

And we couldn’t be more thrilled! SyFy really struck gold when they realized how marketable these messes of films could actually be!

Who doesn’t love creature features?!

OUR PIRANHACONDA DON’T WANT NONE UNLESS YOU GOT BUNS, HUN! LOLz. Sorry, we’re just really excited for this.

What do U think?? Will U be tuning in for the amazing, once in a lifetime amazingness that will surely be Piranhaconda??

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Apr 01, 2011 15:10pm PDT

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