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Derrick Coleman Receives A Heartwarming Thank You Letter From A 9-Year-Old Girl And Writes An Equally Adorable Letter Back!

derrick coleman thank you letter from 9 year old deaf girl
Seriously, can someone get us a box of tissues over here???
Deaf NFL player Derrick Coleman recently teamed up with Duracell to make an inspirational ad highlighting how he was able to overcome his obstacles and fulfill his dream of playing professional football!
Well 9-year-old Riley Kovalcik and her twin sister Erin are also deaf, and they were some of the many people who were touched by the amazing commercial! So Riley decided to write a thank you letter to the Seattle Seahawk fullback, and it will absolutely melt your heart!
It reads:

“Dear my inspiration, Derrick Coleman,
I know how you feel. I also have hearing aids. Just try your best. I have faif in you Derrick good job on January 20th game. Go Seattle Seahawks! Here are things we have in comon.
I [wear] two hearing aids. I love sports.
Other things are I’m a a identical twin and my twin [wears] one hearing aid too!”

It’s not very often that the words “adorable” and “football” go together, but we’ll have to make an exception here!
And if that’s not enough to tug your heart strings, Derrick actually saw the letter and decided to write back to Riley and Erin, and his letter reads:

“Dear Miss Kovalcik,
Thanks for the letter. Really was great hearing from a friend who I have so much in common with. I apreciate you rooting for the Seahawks and me and hope you continue to do so when we play in the Superbowl!!!
I want you to know that I always try my best in everything I do and have faith in you & your twin sister too. Even though we have hearing aids, we can still accomplish our goals & dreams! If you or your family are ever in Seattle, I hope we can all get together & play some sports or games!”

This. Is. Too. Cute!!!
It’s so great to see a NFL making such a positive impact on these young girls’ lives, and it’s even better to see him take the time out to respond to their thank you note!
Does anyone know where can we buy ourselves a Derrick Coleman jersey???
Ch-ch-check out the two adorable letters (below)!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Jan 23, 2014 09:31am PDT