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Nicole Kidman, Party Girl, Likes To Dance On Tables With Snakes??

Nicole Kidman would be the girl to dance on a table with a snake at a party!
Say whattttt??
Nicole Kidman, you so cray!
Nicole recently was doing a campaign for Jimmy Choo shoes and in an interview, revealed that she’s quite the party girl!!
She said:

“If I’m in the mood I’ll be the girl that will dance on the tables with a snake. I have been known to be the party girl of all party girls. I’m proud of that though. I like to have the spirit. I’m proud of being able to go, ok, I am up for anything and if that means diving in the ocean at midnight naked, I will do it.”

Wow! We had no idea she was such a party girl!
Dancing on tables with snakes?? That sounds a little less fun and a lot more dangerous!
But we guess she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make sure she and her fellow party goers have a great time.
Way to take one for the team and enter the snaky danger zone!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 30, 2013 15:58pm PDT