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Ohio Zoo Uses Beagle To Sniff Out Bear Pregnancies!

Ohio Zoo is using a specially trained beagle to detect bear pregnancies!
Dogs are so AH-mazing! They can be trained to do just about anything!
A beagle named Elvis has been trained to sniff out something very particular… not bombs or drugs or anything…
Bear pregnancies!!
Yup, you heard us, the two-year-old beagle has been specially trained to detect pregnancies in bears where he will confirm if their polar bear is preggo so they can take action.
They like to separate the pregnant females from the males, get them extra bedding and set up video monitoring.
With polar bears commonly having false pregnancies, having the doggy test should really help!
Elvis has been sniffing around samples from 22 female bears from 14 different zoos, so hopefully he can help them prepare for their new baby bears!
Way to help out the zoos, Elvis!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Nov 05, 2013 15:01pm PDT