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Leonardo DiCaprio

If Leonardo DiCaprio Wins The Oscar, The Internet Will Have To Say Goodbye To ALL THESE MEMES!

Sure, we all love Happy-go-lucky Leo and You-Just-Don’t-Get-It Leo.
But when it comes to Leonardo DiCaprio memes, nothing beats the ones that show just how much boy wants dat Oscar!
The one dark lining of the silver cloud that is The Revenant star taking home the gold is all those HIGHlarious shared jokes become kinda meaningless!
Related: Biggest Oscar Snubs Of ALL TIME!
We guess they go wherever Chocolate Rain, RickRolling, Piano Cat, and all the other bygone memes went… Internet limbo!
Ch-ch-check out the video (above) to help us say #RIP to all the Leo Thirsting For An Oscar memes!

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Feb 28, 2016 15:00pm PDT