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Britney Spears

Out Of Control!


Britney Spears is over the deep end!

The former pop star is so crazy that she’s been banned from the Chateau Marmont hotel in West Hollywood because of her bizarre and inappropriate behavior there during a recent outing.

Britney came under the management spotlight at exclusive Chateau Marmont after reports she was “acting weird”.

And it seems “acting weird” doesn’t begin to describe her latest act of lunacy, which saw Britney stunning fellow diners in the posh hotel restaurant by smearing a plate of top-notch food over her FACE.

Horrified guests were understandably outraged and demanded the management kick her out for good.

A source said: “The diners were disgusted. You wouldn’t expect that from a teenager in a fast-food joint. Royalty have dined in this restaurant. Her behaviour was totally unacceptable.”

Brit’s latest crazy antics — combined with the convoy of photographers who followed her to the strictly private hotel — were the final straw for stuffy bosses. Now her name has been added to a blacklist of former guests who are no longer welcome.

“Staff at the Chateau have been told she is not welcome. She constantly looked out of it when she came in and the guests began to make noises. The hotel acted before she made a huge scene. No one wants to be banned from staying at the Chateau. If she was trying to make a real go of her comeback then the people who visit the Chateau are the ones who could make it happen.”

On the bright side?

At least Britney’s been laying low this past week, following her disastrous VMA performance.

Stay in hiding!

[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Sep 17, 2007 10:14am PDT

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