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Linda Hogan's SHOCKING Allegations Against Hulk!


Now this was a juicy interview!

Linda Hogan has an explosive new memoir out and Perez recently sat down with her to chat all about it – and more!

We talk about her marriage to the Hulkster, allegations of drugs and abuse, her much younger boyfriend and why he doesn’t have a job, son Nick, her strained relationship with daughter Brooke, reality TV, sex and more sex talk, plus lots more!

Read some highlights from our chat after the jump.

And watch the interview in full above!!!

Perez Hilton: Wait, I’m a little taken aback by your outfit; you’re dressed quite provocatively.

Linda Bollea: Just for you.

Perez Hilton: Really? Is this your normal attire?

Linda Bollea: Kinda.

Perez Hilton: Wearing some big heels?

Linda Bollea: Well are we in Hollywood or what?

Perez Hilton: We are.

Linda Bollea: I’m doing Hollywood then.

Perez Hilton: All right, I like it. So you have a new book coming out, or it is out.

Linda Bollea: Yeah. It’s out.

Perez Hilton: It’s called, “Wresting with the Hulk”?

Linda Bollea: “Wrestling the Hulk”.

Perez Hilton: “Wrestling the Hulk”. Why did you decide to write the book?

Linda Bollea: You know what, I went through such a nasty divorce, and a lot of the marriage was good and then there was the part that was bad. And I think that there’s a learning curve in everything. You know there’s a silver lining to every storm, and I found the silver lining to be, you know that I learned something. And maybe I stuck around the marriage too long, maybe I stayed too long, maybe I should have left sooner. But you know whether it was right thing or the wrong thing —

Perez Hilton: How long were you together for?

Linda Bollea: You know I hope they can learn by my mistakes or my lessons that I’ve learned.

Perez Hilton: There’s this theory that reality TV shows kind of are a killer of relationships. Do you think that really hurt your relationship or was it good for you, and Hulk, and the family? What’s your take on that?

Linda Bollea: Yeah, you know, I mean, there’s a lot of good and bad about reality. And you know you open your front door and you’ve got — we had 28 people in our film crew so everyday 28 people. Thank God we had a big house. But it is invasive. And it can kind of — it forces you guys to be together when you know you really need to take a break, or you want to go do something but you’re really just together. But we were together in always good and funny scenarios. You know even when there were arguments; they were always a little bit more contrived for TV. But I think honestly, we were having problems. And had we not had the show, I don’t think we would have probably stayed together as long as we did.

Perez Hilton: After the — well the divorce is, is it done, done now?

Linda Bollea: Yes, it’s final and —

Perez Hilton: Because it took a while and what was that divorce process like because it wasn’t quick, and there was a lot of money involved, and all that? You think, were you happy with it? Do you think it was fair?

Linda Bollea: Oh I had one very good lawyer, and he had six not so good lawyers.

Perez Hilton: Hey. So he’s moved on, he’s married now, and you moved on and then you are still dating the same boyfriend?

Linda Bollea: Uh-huh.

Perez Hilton: Charlie?

Linda Bollea: Yep.

Perez Hilton: He’s how old again? Twenty?

Linda Bollea: He’s 23.

Perez Hilton: Twenty-three now?

Linda Bollea: Yeah.

Perez Hilton: And you’re 47?

Linda Bollea: Fifty-one.

Perez Hilton: Fifty-one. And you’ve been dating for like three years now.

Linda Bollea: I know, three years. You know —

Perez Hilton: Which was a lot longer than anybody thought. And have you had a conversation about like, does he want to have kids?

Linda Bollea: [Watch above.]

Perez Hilton: Does he have a job?

Linda Bollea: No.

Perez Hilton: All right, his job is to keep you happy.

Linda Bollea: Yeah.

Perez Hilton: You have a lot of sex?

Linda Bollea: Yeah.

Perez Hilton: Once a day?

Linda Bollea: Yeah.

Perez Hilton: At least.

Linda Bollea: No. Not once a day. Probably like you know every day, every other day. So —

Perez Hilton: Everyday, well that’s okay.

Linda Bollea: It’s awesome, why not.

Perez Hilton: Yeah, I know, I’m all for it.

Linda Bollea: He’s awesome, he’s great.

Perez Hilton: High five. Back to the book. Have you gotten wind from Hulk if he’s thoroughly unpleased? Is he threatening to sue you over the book as well?

Linda Bollea: [Watch above.]

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Aug 15, 2011 11:40am PDT