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PETA Files Complaint For Injured Dolphin At SeaWorld

Dang, the dolphins at SeaWorld can’t get a break these days!
PETA recently filed a complaint to the U.S. Department of Agriculture against San Antonio’s SeaWorld on behalf of a bottlenose dolphin that was rockin’ an exposed injury on its nose.
And while the organization was in complete discontent over the hurt dolphin, they expressed that the incident is violating the Animal Welfare Act, which states facilities should be free of any objects that could possibly harm an animal.
PETA’s President, Ingrid E. Newkirk said:

“SeaWorld isn’t safe for dolphins├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥including orcas├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥or for members of the public. Marine-mammal facilities are a living hell for freedom-loving dolphins, who are taken from the great oceans and condemned to live in cement boxes.”

Unfortunately, PETA has no clue how the dolphin even got the injury, but they did request an investigation.
We’re just hoping the dolphin is doing fine and that the theme park did NOT infringe on the act because if they did, they may be in for some serious trouble!!
[Image courtesy of PETA.]

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Dec 12, 2012 20:00pm PDT

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