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Not Only Did The Reading Rainbow Kickstarter Hit Its Goal, It SHATTERED Veronica Mars' Record!

reading rainbow kickstarter levar burton hits goal breaks record
We were so happy to hear that the Reading Rainbow hit its initial Kickstarter goal!
But LeVar Burton wasn’t content to sit on his laurels after just one day! He rallied and came up with goals for getting the classic show into classrooms!
For that he would need $5 million! And fans didn’t disappoint!
The Reading Rainbow fundraiser hit its stretch goal AND beat the previous Kickstarter record for most backers!
It surpassed the Veronica Mars movie‘s 91,585 backers with a whopping 105,857!
This also means Seth MacFarlane owes that full million bucks he pledged! Freakin’ sweet!
But you don’t have to take our word for it!
Seriously, you don’t. Because the Kickstarter is still there; you can see for yourself! LOLz!

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Jul 03, 2014 13:51pm PDT

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