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12 Ways Elle Woods Can Help Reese Witherspoon Out Of Her Sticky Legal Situation!

Reese Witherspoon arrest Legally Blonde Elle Woods
As if sorority girls didn’t have enough bad rap this past week. Now, we can add Miss Delta Nu herself, Reese Witherspoon, to that list as well.
The Legally Blonde star had quite the embarrassing weekend when she and her husband Jim Toth were arrested after he was pulled over for driving erratically. The two were then arrested, he for suspicion of a DUI and she was handcuffed after exhibiting disorderly conduct to a police officer.
BUT, even though this is going to be one helluva legal sitch for the two of them, let’s not forget that Reese played one of the most famous lawyers of all time! Yes, we’re talking about Elle Woods!
So, let’s sit back and think about how Elle Woods would get Reese out of such a sticky legal situation, shall we??
Okay, well, as we all know by now, Reese pulled the celebrity card on the officer that pulled her hubby over and yelled out “Do you know my name??” Well, considering she has since given an apology, let’s listen to the wise words of Elle and focus on:
Reese Witherspoon arrest Elle Woods first impressions
We mean, she is pret-ty famous so it’s a bit weird that the cop didn’t recognize her…
Reese Witherspoon arrest Elle Woods
Besides, she can always call the police officer a:
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods liar
But, let’s not get nasty here. For the most part, Reese is very much a law-abiding citizen and from what we hear, this is totally out of character for her.
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods
After all, being in the public eye can really put a toll on a person…
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods
And now, everyone will be judging her. Big time.
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods
During her court appearance, all she’ll have to do is cry in front of the judge for him or her to be putty in her hands.
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods
But, we have a feeling Reese will get through this.
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods
As long as she remembers that:
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Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods
‘Cause, really, all she needs is a little:
Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods bend and snap
And she’ll be off scot-free!Reese Witherspoon arrested Elle Woods

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Apr 22, 2013 17:22pm PDT