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Fast Food

Want $3,500? Eat Fast Food For 3 Months

A new study from Washington University in St. Louis is looking at obesity.
They are recruiting participants, and they’re not just looking for obese people, they’re looking for people who will be willing to eat only fast food for THREE MONTHS!
After watching Morgan Spurlock’s health decline so rapidly in Super Size Me, we don’t see how this is safe at all.
There’s a catch though├óΓé¼┬ª they’re willing to pay people $3,500 and then enroll them in a weight loss program after the study.
The researchers want to study obesity and why some overweight people develop certain diseases like diabetes or cardiovascular conditions.
There are two conditions. The participants can only eat at McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut and they have to gain 5% of their body weight during the study.
Oh and if they die they’re probably disqualified or something.
This sounds like a dumb idea to us. We hope no one gets hurt.

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May 14, 2012 18:00pm PDT

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