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Restraining Order Extended Against Adnan and Osama!

Poppa Jamie Spears won this round!
Britney Spears‘ conservator has been trying to extend her current restraining order against shady former “manager” Osama Lutfi, her ex, paparazzo Adnan Ghalib, and their attorney, John Eardley. Especially after finding out that Lutfi had given Brit Brit a pre-paid cellphone to chat with her secretly.
But good news for the Spears family.
A judge has now extended the restraining orders against the three idiots until the next hearing – on April 1st.
The Los Angeles Superior Court Judge has issued the extension in order to hear a few more testimonies in the case. Poppa Spears’ attorneys will offer up more witness to prove Osama and his followers were trying to break up the conservatorship.
Those going to court in defense of Brit include her hairdresser, a security guard, and of course Poppa Spears.
The Spears’ attorneys will also be showing how Lufti broke his previous restraining order restrictions and repeatedly tried to reach Brit Brit.
Let’s hope they keep Lufti and Adnan far, far away from Britney!
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 25, 2009 16:46pm PDT