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Kristen Stewart

Robert Pattinson Still Keeps In Touch With Kristen Stewart! Even After She Did Him Dirty!

robert pattinson kristen stewart still keep in touch 1(1)
It sounds like all is forgiven between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!
After five Twilight films, an über long relationship, one cheating scandal, and a bitter breakup, R-Patz and KStew are friends again! Well, sorta!
It’s pretty interesting actually, considering the fact that Rob has said in previous interviews that he doesn’t forgive people and tends to cut them out of his life when he doesn’t want to deal with their shiz!
In fact, it’s a little surprising that he outrightly admitted he and Kristen still keep in touch with each other.
When a reporter asked Rob about his current relationship with his ex and if they still talk, he responded with a resounding:

“Oh, yeah.”

Well then, that explains the random hook-ups and booty calls whenever the two were in town together!
Guess he’ll never be able to forget his Twilight-filled past!
The Remember Me actor then went on to talk about how the vampy franchise blew up after the first film!
He ties it all up to when the marketing masterminds started pushing the aspects of ‘Team Edward’ and ‘Team Jacob,’ Rob said:

“Everything changed when they did the marketing, and the general public started to view [the films] in a different way when they started to push the ‘team’ aspect of it. It was like, ‘I’m on Team Edward or Team Jacob.’ That saturated everything, and suddenly there was a backlash. Whereas with the first [film], there wasn’t a backlash at all.”

There was minimal, if any, backlash with the first Twilight, but you do have to admit all that Team shenanigan brought more attention to the films!
Twilight wouldn’t be where it is today without its ravenous fan base!
[Image via BauerGriffinOnline.]

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May 28, 2014 21:33pm PDT

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