Time’s up for Marilyn Manson, it seems.
On Monday morning, Westworld star Evan Rachel Wood decided to finally name the abuser she’s spoken about in public for years: Brian Warner, aka her rockstar former fiancé.
We honestly didn’t know how Rose McGowan would react to the shocking reveal. On the one hand, she was one of the first to come forward with an accusation against Harvey Weinstein, helping to kick off the #MeToo movement. On the other she’s attacked a lot of other woman involved in it. Not to mention the fact she’s always spoken very lovingly in retrospect about her years dating Manson.
Related: Armie Hammer’s Ex-Wife Releases First Statement On Abuse & Cannibalism Allegations
But she came forward with her unequivocal support for Evan and the other women who spoke out to Vanity Fair, with what we thought was a very measured, generous statement.
A couple hours later, in a video posted to Twitter, she had a LOT more to say…
First off, she answered a question a great many of us had following today’s news: did Manson ever abuse her? She said:
“When he was with me, he was not like that. But that has no bearing on whether he was like that with others before or after.”
Absolutely right. Every relationship is different, and you can’t assume because someone didn’t abuse you that they ipso facto are not an abuser.
But in her later quotes she not only said she believed the accusations against Manson, she blamed the record industry, specifically naming Interscope Records, and Hollywood in general for protecting her ex’s alleged abuses from coming to light:
“I’m also here to say to the Hollywood cult leaders that have employed him and sanctioned him — and Interscope Records and Sony was with him during the Evan period — you know you are accomplices. All the PR managers, agents, lawyers… the Hollywood cult must be stopped.”
We have to say… we honestly don’t know what she’s talking about here. We obviously believe all abusers should be stopped and outed, and those who kept them safe out of self-interest and greed need to be held accountable as well. In all arenas, be it the music industry, sports, politics… Hell, there’s sexual abuse and harassment going on at your local Applebee’s or whatever other chain restaurant — sadly, it’s everywhere. And it all needs to end.
But this implication that all of Hollywood is some massive cult of abusers just doesn’t make sense.
Related: Manson’s Record Label DROPPED Him From Their Site Following Accusations
We mean… Rose was a part of Hollywood herself. Heck, she kind of employed Marilyn Manson by getting him an acting part in your movie Jawbreaker. So by her logic, is she also an accomplice? How many directors and producers and actors has she worked with over the years? Were they really ALL abusive or complicit?
We’re honestly not trying to be glib here. Honestly. We very much want all guilty parties to be rooted out, but just blanket accusing everyone of being guilty seems to us like a really quick way to lose focus on finding those who are actually culpable.
Not to mention it plays into that ridiculous right wing fringe, QAnon-fueled “Hollywood liberals are all one big blood-drinking pedophile cult” stance. It’s one thing for someone from Oklahoma to buy into that conspiracy theory thinking, but it’s something anyone who has actually worked in this town as much as Rose has knows for a fact is not true.
We are so sorry for what happened to Rose McGowan, and that a monster got away with it for so long afterward. But we just can’t go all in on these kinds of speeches right now. There are people who VERY much want to harm Hollywood, and we’re concerned this kind of language only flames that crowd’s beliefs.
Anyway, that’s our take. What do YOU think? Ch-ch-check out the video for yourself (below):
[Image via WENN/Rose McGowan/Instagram/Interscope Records/YouTube.]