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Ryan Murphy

American Horror Story Season 3 Plot Revealed TONIGHT!

Aliens, sanity, monsters, ghosts, demons, murder…
The aforementioned subjects plus OH so many more classical and not-so-traditional horrors have been explored in seasons 1 and 2 of Ryan Murphy‘s American Horror Story anthology…
So what could possibly be the central plot to the third installment in this terrifying mini-series?!?!
Well, we won’t have to wait too much longer to find out, because Mr. Murphs is slipping in a sneaky clue about the third season for savvy viewers to find in TONIGHT’s episode called The Name Game!
Ryan recently expressed:

“It├óΓé¼Γäós not done like it was last year. It├óΓé¼Γäós a different kind of clue. You really have to be quick and watch. I made sure to put it in there for the fans because I know people loved that last year, figuring it out.”

During the 11th episode of the first season, Ryan snuck in a reference to the asylum-based plot of the most current season…
When Sarah Paulson‘s psychic character talks of how certain places, such as ASYLUMS and prisons, can harbor evil energy!
Eeeee we are SHIVERING with excitement!

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Jan 02, 2013 19:50pm PDT

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