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Comic Books

Ryan Reynolds Hijacks The Holidays With 12 Days Of Deadpool & A New Christmas Trailer!

We foresee this film being a big hit!
The unorthodox marketing for Ryan Reynolds‘ not-quite-superhero movie Deadpool has been inventive, disturbing, and HIGHlarious! And it’s working on us!
The Merc With The Mouth isn’t taking a break for the holiday season!
Video: Ryan Spends Halloween Harassing Children In The Park
He’s unrolling a special series of exclusive content on sites such as Entertainment Weekly, Empire, and Fandango — all leading up to a brand new trailer on Christmas Day!
Ch-ch-check out RyRey’s announcement of the 12 Days of Deadpool (above)! If you’re hooked like us, you can see Deadpool in theaters February 12.

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Dec 14, 2015 11:07am PDT