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Sarah Palin Gets Testy On TODAY When Asked About Her Recent Comments On Vets & Domestic Violence! Watch The Tension!

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Sarah Palin was on TODAY Monday morning to talk Donald Trump, but the conversation very quickly turned heated!
Speaking to hosts Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie, Palin started off explaining her reasoning for endorsing The Donald, but things unraveled pretty quickly when Guthrie asked the former governor about her son Track‘s domestic violence arrest.
Related: Sarah Slams Bristol Palin’s Ex-Fianc├â┬⌐!
Specifically, the TV host wanted to know about Palin’s comments seemingly blaming the arrest on Barack Obama, and, well, Sarah did NOT take too kindly to that.
Ch-ch-check out the testy exchange (below):

For the record, here are Palin’s exact comments which seemed to lay at the feet of President Obama her son’s domestic violence issues:

“My son, like so many others, they come back a bit different, they come back hardened. They come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airman and every other member of the military so sacrificially have given to this country.”

The fact that soldiers “come back hardened” doesn’t excuse domestic violence, of course — obviously most veterans don’t hit their partners!
Related: Sarah Does Her Best Tina Fey In 30 Rock Parody
Guess Miz Palin just doesn’t get it.
We can’t wait until Bristol Palin blogs about this controversy! LOLz!!
[Image via TODAY Show/NBC.]

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Feb 01, 2016 12:58pm PDT