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Saved By The Bell's Screech Opens Up About Alleged Stabbing! Find Out Dustin Diamond's Side Of The Story HERE! Updates HERE!

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UPDATE: This afternoon, Diamond posted bail and was released from jail. He then attended his second court hearing with girlfriend Amanda Schutz.
We’re still shocked over this alleged bar fight.
[ Related: Dustin ARRESTED For Allegedly Using Switchblade! ]
We reported earlier how Dustin Diamond (aka Saved By The Bell‘s Screech) had been arrested Friday for allegedly stabbing a man in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
In an interview with officers, Dustin has since admitted to accidentally stabbing the man in question at the Grand Avenue Saloon (which totally sounds like a Western watering hole just waiting for a bar brawl).
Dustin, who was charged with second-degree recklessly endangering safety, disorderly conduct and carrying a concealed weapon, appeared in court on Friday where his bail was set.
While claiming to defend his fiancée, Dustin stated in a complaint that the whole alleged incident happened as things quickly got out of hand.
Dustin claimed that he refused to shake the hand of a woman who was bumping into his girlfriend, that a man confronted him afterwards, and that as he was trying to leave a “brawl” erupted.
According to Dustin, he heard his girlfriend scream, and turned around to see two men holding her by the hair with her bleeding.
As he moved to her aid, a bar patron grabbed him:

“I moved his arm up and around, and I had the knife in my hand, or the, ah, pen in my hand.”

According to an officer in the conversation with Dustin, while Dustin “was talking about having a pen in his hand he referred to it as a knife, and then corrected himself saying it was a pen.” He apparently made the verbal slip-up twice.
After being shown video taken in the bar, and presented with the knowledge that police found a knife with possible blood on it, Dustin allegedly admitted to having a knife:

“Diamond stated that he did not intentionally stab the individual in the bar, but that chaos broke out and people were grabbing at him and that he swung his arms to break free.”

Dustin and his girlfriend left the bar, but were then pulled over by police who found a “stiletto folding knife with a 3.75-inch blade, which uses a thumb stud and assisted opening mechanism.”
Dustin admitted to buying a knife that day, and owning several.
According to the man who was allegedly stabbed by Dustin, the actor pushed him on “one or two occasions.”

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Dec 29, 2014 14:52pm PDT

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